Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The week that was..

Yet another week when I didn't post, we seem to have been very busy. As you can see from the photos we have been camping, been to a concert and even managed to fit in a bit of learning! The beginning of the week is a bit hazy but I know that we planted our beans from our science experiment and created a bottle garden in an old jam jar. Of all the lessons we do, Sam really enjoys science the most. Now that I have slowed down on the reading lessons he seems to be doing better and getting more enjoyment from reading aloud.

Thursday we went camping to sacrewell farm with the boys and everyone had a good time. There was a real girl power moment when we had finished putting up the tents as we moms had put them up by ourselves. The daddies rolled up afterwork for a bbq. We spent most of the day on the farm feeding the animals and generally mucking around. After harassing the animals we retreated to the campsite where R organised an obstacle course for the children and then they spent the rest of the evening on their bikes. Sam managed to ride M's bike without the training wheels and stayed up longer than I expected. When Matthew got home the next day he asked for his to be taken off and hasn't looked back.

We had to break camp in the raining the following morning which was no fun. We were very soggy and muddy by the time we got home. It was muddlepuddle week and the theme was Pirates. Each family brought an activity to share and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Sam spent ages working on a jigsaw with J. It was nice to see SB and BB and Chris there.

Saturday we went wall climbing and then on to the courtney pine concert. The concert was fantastic, as usual courtney put on a great show. This is the third summer we have seen him and I think it was the best concert yet. Sam was dancing and jumping and even singing (okay he was singing california here I come but at least he was singing!)

We got up bright and early sunday to go to ikea before going on to our newphew James's christening. The day went well and it was lovely to see everyone at the party.

Yesterday we had the day off of normals to try and get the house in some sort of order. Although we worked all morning I am not sure how much difference we made.

Today was sam's first swimming lesson and he seemed to get on okay. He chatted to himself and the teacher the whole lesson and was very disapointed when he had to get out of the pool. I think that it helped that S was in the lesson too. It think we will try and go swimming this weekend.

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