Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I am not going to complain about our weather again!

Have just been looking a pictures of the damage that katrina brought to the south and it is unbelieveable, epecially the flooding. My heart goes out to everyone who has been hit, it must be a nightmare to say the least. How do you carry on with life when your house is no longer there and your car is up a tree?? I just can't imagine how I would cope in such a situation. I just hope the rest of the hurricane season passes without incident.

I guess this must be another weekly round up as I don't think that I have blogged since about this time last week. Last week passed by in a blurr-we were busy everyday, either seeing friends or going out. This week is equally as busy as is next week-then we are going to settle down to some serious (but fun!!) structured learning. I have been doing a lot of thinking about how to organise our lives to ensure that we fit everything thing in. As much as I dislike schedules I have created a loose timetalbe for our structured learning to help organise my thoughts if nothing else. My goal is to set out what I want us to achieve each week and then work toward that. We are going to jump into the sonlight K programme with both feet instead of just dipping our toes in the water has we have been doing up to now. I am excited as it is a good programme with lots of scope for adding and enriching it. I would like to try and work in lapbooking to go along with some of the read alouds-balto especially lends itself to a lap book. I still feel like I have a lot of planning and organising to do before our D day of Sept 12th. If nothing else I need to organise all the resouces I have, otherwise I will never find anything!!

Opps, I was supposed to be talking about the highlights of last week-there was of course the poem and getting sam's new blue & white karate belt. We also had lots of fun playing with friends. We went over to play with J and her boys and they got on like a house on fire.
We also met up with all the boys (except C who was camping) as one last big outing before they all start school. It seems incredible that they are old enough to go, I remember when they were all born. I was pleased to see that they were excited about going and sam was excited for them. we gave them each a pencil case with some bits and pieces in it and they seemed pleased. Sam does not mind in the slightest not going to school but seems to be happy for his friends. I am not sure they boys understand why sam is not going to school but they are accepting of the fact.

Merry and the girls came over today and I think a good time was had by all. They got up to all sorts-playmobil, lego, sand art, the sand box and even a spot of painting! They all played really well together-though sam lost the plot a bit when it came to sharing the playmobil bus. there are some disadvantages to being an only child and not sharing well is one of them. I was never very good at sharing my toys so I am trying really hard to make sure sam is, though I am not sure if I am suceeding.

Rounded of today with a spot of ironing and Finding Neverland. What a good movie-I was in tears by the end.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back blogging...I'm disappointed when I tune in and there are no updates. No pressure. Wet, windy and unbearably humid today...give me this end of the hurricane anyday. There is a big family (Jeff's)wedding in Birmingham this weekend and no one is quite sure what to do or how to get there. As of yesterday they still had no power. Bye for now.

sam said...

Merry-thank you for your understanding about the sharing issue. Your girls do so well, I just hope sam is able to be better about sharing as he gets older.

Mary=thank you so much the package was wonderful and it was so sweet of you to think of us. we had so much fun baking this afternoon. I am glad jeff's familly are okay, I have been wondering about them.