Friday, August 12, 2005

Excuse me while I rant..

Why are the only winter shoes in sam's size available at the moment horrible black school shoes??? Do retailers think that every child with a size 11 foot is going to school??? They all said to come back in a month or so and thankfully we can because his old shoes are't too too small yet. What if they were though, what then. Any color you want as long as it is black may have been fine for henry ford but it doesn't pass muster with my son. There we go rant over, we will now resume normal service.

We have had a nice few days, lots of social activities but also lots of learning. We have started lapbooking. Our first book is on Italy as we are doing it at muddlepuddle next week. We have painted the cover green, white and red and are now busily filling the inside. We have started off with easy things, like a map, a map of sciliy (with our family's village circled), the volcanos of italy and dinos that have been excavated. We are also going to add something about the romans, art, explorers, the language and exports. I think we are going to need a bigger folder! I will post a photo when we get more done.

A fairly quiet weekend ahead I think. M is working so we will probably try to get some heavy duty cleaning done both inside and out. The front yard looks like a jungle. We may fit in a trip to the movies on sunday and sam has a bday party on sat afternoon. I also want to start planning the next couple of months as far as home ed goes. If we are going to do lapbooking it would be nice to tie it in with the sonlight and muddlepuddle stuff we will be doing.


sam said...

I have come up with a good business idea-a shoe shop that caters to home ed children. it would stock cool and funky shoes, without a single school shoe in sight!

Jen said...

One of the ways we celebrated Carys coming out of school was to go out and buy pink shoes and we'll be buying some more in September!