Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Author, Author

I am proud to announce that we now have a nationally published poet in our family. Sam's poem about Harvey the Crane engine was published in the August issue of Thomas & Friends Play & Learn magazine. We sent it in months ago and to tell you the truth I had forgotten all about it. The postman arrived this morning with a huge parcel for sam and when we opened it inside was a letter telling us the good news, a copy of the magazine and a Tomy Pop & Catch Thomas (easily the most annoying toy in history!!) Sam was beside himself and kept shouting , "I won, I won". I tried to explain that getting published was better than winning a competition because they chose his poem because it was good and not just because it was the first one out of a hat. He has been on a real high all day and has told everyone that we met that he is a published poet.

We have had a good day, filled with lots of laughter and friends. We watched P & B this morning and then this afternoon S and her girls came to play. They all played for ages in the delta sand, I am so glad that I got it, it has really been worth the expense.

Some of my teaching must be sinking in because when P (aged 6) asked me today how to spell elavator sam burst out with-"it starts with e"! I was dumbfounded-he must of sounded the word out in his head to come to that conclusion-either that or he remembered what the word looked like. Either way I was very proud of him.

Our usborne origami book arrived so now we have to start our origami lapbook. I am terrible with anything techinal like this so envisage that we will be asking M for lots of help. I suppose that we really should be doing a mythical creatures lapbook as that is the topic of the next muddlepuddle but sam seems more interested in origami so I am going to run with that. We can save mythical creatures for another time.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh Tammy how fantastic, well done Sam. Please put his poem on your blog so we can all read it.