Saturday, August 13, 2005

Rainy days

What a lovely english summer afternoon this was!!! Had the wood been dry I would have lit a fire. I guess it is time to put the fan away then.

It was a funny sort of day. We did chores and watched Balto this morning. About 10 mintues into the movie sam said, " this isn't like the book is it, why do they do that mommy?" Not what I was expecting him to say, especially not at 8 in the morning! I think he enjoyed the movie, despite its dirvergence from the truth. I think I even saw a little tear in his eye at the end when Balto saves the day. Perhaps we should do a lap book on huskies and their role as sled dogs.

We then popped out to run a few errands and bag a few bargins at the library sale. As usual we came away with lots of good books, I do love a good library sale. Is that sad or what.

This afternoon was the long awaited bday party of sam's friend A. She and her family moved to DC last year and are now back over on holiday. It was lovely to see them, though we didn't really get much of a chance to catch up. I hope we will get to see them again while they are here. Sam was so pleased to see A and gave her a big hug. he then went on to tell her what was in her present and that he had made the card himself!! The topic of school came up (doesn't it always) and for the first time I have encountered a defensive attitude when I explained that we are home schooling. The two moms in question starting giving reasons why they though it was a nice idea but that they couldn't do it due to number of children, commitments etc. it was as if they felt they had to justify their choice. I must admit that this made me feel unconfortable, it was never my intention to make them feel guilty or defensive. We all have to make the best choices for our children and what is right for one family is not right for another. The most important thing is that the children and loved and valued regardless of where they are schooled.

We are going to work on our Italy book tomorrow and start cutting the paper for the mosaics. if it continues to rain we may go to the movies or have a movie afternoon here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a hot, HUMID, hazy day today...and when the temps cooled off in the afternoon it went down to 93 degrees! Sarcasm intended! Want to trade for a few days? I could certainly deal with some cool english weather. Sorry needed to rant.