Sunday, May 01, 2005

what a difference a weekend makes

Although the house still looks as if a bomb has hit it-definate progress has been made. ( I hate the middle stage of reorganising, you know, the one where the house looks so bad you wish you had never started!). Sam's room looks completely different, it now looks like a proper little boy's room, instead of a toddler camping in an office. He loves the bed from my in laws and spent most of the day bouncing on it. The storage cupboard thing we picked up from ikea is perfect and should reduce the amount of clutter downstairs. M put castors on it to make it even better. We have put most of his books upstairs in his book case, giving us a bit more room downstairs for grown up books. He is desparate to have a friend over to see his room and even asked if his friend matthew could stay the night tonight! He is definately growing up...much too quickly too.

Yesterday was nice, we went down and picked up the bed from the in laws and then decided on the spur of the moment to head down to ikea. sam stayed with nana & grandad (he practially pushed us out the door when we said he could stay) so we had an afternoon to ourselves. Ikea wasn't the hell we had expected and we had a nice browse. We got everything we wanted and not a lot more. The worst part of ikea for me is coming home-the unloading and putting everything together and then all the cardboard-our recycling bin is alreadying over flowing, the last thing it needs is more cardboard!

Lots of practical life activities today as sam helped us in the house and out in the garden. He loves planting things and has quite green fingers. The sweet corn he and matthew planted is doing really well, as are the sunflowers and his rock garden. The only thing he doesn't like is weeding, which is a shame as there is a lot of it to do in our garden. Thank you M for working so hard today to get sam's room in shape and tidy up the garden, I really appreciate it.

Sam really enjoyed muddlepuddle on friday but I am not sure that everyone else enjoyed his company quite as much. By the end of the session he was on such a high that he was running around kissing all of the other children, which I don't think was necessarily appreciated. I apologise to the other moms from mudpud-he doesn't normally act so rowdy. I don't know what got into him. On the good side he concentrated really hard and made a nice hama bead man for my mil. the children all seem to get on really well and made the most of the activites-thank you merry!

Sam is now half way through headsprout and still enjoying it. we took a couple of days break and this morning he was eager to get on the computer. We read some books together this evening-with him picking out the words he knew and me doing the rest.

A fairly busy week ahead-three mystery jobs to do as well as all the usual stuff. we are getting together with the boys on wednesday which should be fun-but rowdy and noisy. It will be sad when they go off to school and we don't get to see as much of them.


a said...

Mystery jobs - are you a detective? Sounds exciting.
Sam's room sounds lovely. It's great when you can get a few things that really make a difference isn't it?

sam said...

i wish i was a dective! i am a mystery shopper=i get paid to shop at specific places to evaluate their customer service. it gives sam and i a little extra fun money.