Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A question for you all..

If you could live anywhere where would you live?? One of my core beliefs is that you have to be happy whereever you are and make the most of what you have. That being said that doesn't mean that you can't hanker after new horizons everyonce in a while. I like living in peteborough (burning cars aside!) and I love the life that we have created here. However, everyonce in a while I get this longing to be somewhere else. Somewhere where the pace of life is slower, where everyone runs on island time and where you don't have to wear shoes and if you do flip flops or sandals are good enough. Somewhere where sam and the cats can chase lizards and we can eat outside everyday. In short somewhere in the caribbean-the keys, bequia- don't mind as long as it is small and friendly. I am not naive enough to think that all life's problems disapear when you move somewhere tropical-you still have to pay bills, clean house, work etc, they don't, they are just in a nicer setting. I don't suppose for one moment that we will ever move anywhere that exotic and that is fine, I am not pinning away to go. It is nice, however to have this fantasy to escape to when things get me down.
So I put it to you all-where would you live and why?


dottyspots said...

Hasn't this been an MP topic before ;0)

Somewhere quiet and away from people where I could have some goats (and still have some sort of income!) Not asking too much.......

sam said...

oops I think you are right. I must have been having a senior moment when I blogged last night. sorry! will think up a more original question for next week.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have been thinking if there is an ideal part of the country to H.E. I would like somewhere to have chickens, goats,bees grow veg. A self cleaning house would be nice...