Thursday, May 05, 2005

girls, girls girls. ain't nothing like them in the whole wide wor ld...

to quote jimmy and sam. We spent most of the day with merry and the girls and sam came away singing their praises. ( as well he should, they are delightful girls and very good company). I am not sure he understands all their princess games but he had great fun and they all played really well. Sam did get a bit rough toward the end, his cuddles sometimes turn into full body tackles. I gots lots of lovely josie cuddles. she is so cute! Merry let me have a good look through all her sonlight materials-must resist placing a big order! That being said, I will probably go for one of the handwriting programs, mine is so bad that I don't want sam to copy the way I write.

Playing with merry and the girls was a nice way to round off what was a nice day. We spent the morning doing headsprout and sentences and have now started the sonlight K science program. Sam is so keen to do experiments that I couldn't see the point in waiting any longer. I have chosen to do the 5 day schedule, though given his enthusiasm we may get through 2 days at a time. today's topic was rainbows and to go with it we made a hama bead rainbow (will post photos tomorrow), we also talked about the symbolic meaning of a rainbow ( though not the gay pride one-thought he was a little young for this) and read the noah story. we also talked about leprachauns (sp??) and hiding their treasure at the end of a rainbow. Starting the science has wetted my appetite and we may well begin the full K program before september.

The day ended with Karate and sam was his amusing self. You can defiinately tell he hasn't been to play group as he just doesn't get the concept of raising your hand to answer a question. When they were going over their numbers he kept shouting out the answers-I think that Sensi was getting very frustrated with him. He can't help it bless him, I think he takes after me, I was the original hermoine-hand up at every opportunity aching to be called on. ( except maybe in math and science). They played a game called sleeping dragons, in which the children have to lay still and the last one to move is the winner. A mintue into the game sam calls out something and Sensi says that sleeping dragons have to be quiet-to which sam replies...'WHY???' All the parents and the teenage helpers burst out laughing at this point. He gets the gift of the gab from my side of the family-it isn't our fault we all kissed the blarney stone!!!!!!!!! I do wish mom were around, I think that she would get a real kick out of him and he out of her. We talk about her alot so at least he knows who she is and a little of what she was like. I think she would approve of our decison to home school, both she and my father always tried to make learning fun and an everyday part of life, not just something that happened in school. Sorry to get so maudlin, it must be that glass of wine I had with dinner.

Tomorrow seems impossibly busy, some how I have managed to arrange a hair cut for me, two mystery jobs, a playdate and our usual trip to happy faces. Sounds like it will all end in tears, I must learn not to try and cram so much into one day.

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