Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A balanced day...

A nice mix of things today-playing with friends, doing some headsprout and language work, going to french, sam getting a hair cut and....the delivery of our balancing scales and number puppies. Sam was so excited he practically ripped the box out of the deliveryman's hands. he had a ball with the scales, he went around collecting things to see which was heavier-I had to draw the line at using the cats! The number puppies were a hit too, he spent ages sorting them by size and then weighing them in the scale. The session ended with the buckets from the scale being used as space ships by the number puppies, I am sure the manufacturers never expected that.

We watched S & A today and everyone got on really well and a good time was had by all. It have sam a chance to have a friend test drive his room. Judging by the number of toys strewn across the room I would have to say it was a success. A was right in the thick of things and kept up with the boys no problem. Sam was very proud about reading one of his Dick and Jane stories to them.

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