Tuesday, May 31, 2005

They make me laugh

Sam and his friends have such funny conversations-the number of time I nearly crashed today because I was doubled over with laughter. We took Sam's friend S with us to the museum this afternoon. All this week they are running workshops on bugs and other creepy wildlife. Sam wanted to ask S to come and luckily he was free. This was the conversation on the way to the car park.

Sam: We are parking near Marks and Spencer
S: Not Marks and Spencer
Sam: I hate the clothes section of Marks and Spencer
S: I never want to go to Marks and Spencer again.
Me-don't worry guys we aren't going to M & S.

Since when are 4 year olds allowed to have an opinon on where they shop. To make it even worse we hardly go to M & S. I rarely shop in there as it is at the far end of town and I can't be bothered to walk down there. If they are like this at 4 what are they going to be like at 14! I think I shall send him to live with his godmother! They did finally conceed that they liked the toy dept of M&S-big shock there.

The museum was a big hit as you can see by the photos. They also had an exhibit on force and motion which the boys enjoyed. We didn't see many living bugs, they seemed to be in short supply today. We did see a slow worm (weird or what), a day old frog-yesterday it was froglet and a stick insect. Sam and I may go back on saturday as they will have spiders then. Sam informed me today that he is saving up for tarantula (over my dead body) and when he gets one he will put it on my head. I think I am going to hide his piggybank!! I don't mind spiders, I just don't want one on my head-or any other part of my body for that matter.

We have reached a Headsprout milestone-sam has completed the first 40 episdoes. I presented him with a certificate-which he duly laminated. He has enjoyed the first 40 so much that I agreed that he could do the next 40. He has really learned a lot using the program, more so than when I was teaching him myself using conventional methods. He was very excited today as our amazon order arrived-full of Dick and Jane stories as well as a Boxcar Children book. I loved the boxcar children when I was growing up and I am thrilled that Sam finds them just as enthralling. I must introduce him to the Bobsey Twins and eventually the Hardy Boys. I prefered Nancy Drew myself but I suspect he Hardy Boys are more him.

Provided it stays dry we are off to central park tomorrow (bless him, sam thought the one in NY was named after the one here!) to meet up with "The Boys". It will be fun to have everyone together-we are both going to miss them when they go off to school. If it is pouring everyone is coming here-could be chaos with 9 children.

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