Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Fly me to the moon and let me dance among the stars..

That was our theme tune for the day as we spent the morning at the National Space Centre in Leicester. We have been talking about the solar system alot recently and as M had the day off we decided to visit the space centre. It is all very sleek and modern but had very little to capture the imagination of small children. It was definately aimed at older children. Sam enjoyed bits and pieces of the exhibits but none of of walked out feeling excited and envigorated by the visit. It certainly did not spark any more questions about space or space travel. It is such a shame that they have not catered for the under 8s very well-there is huge potential there. We won't be going back any day soon, especially as it was so expensive to get in. Still, it was nice to spend some time together as a family.

We also managed to fit in french and a mystery job in town this afternoon. Sam was one tired guy by bed time. though he still managed to call out a couple of times for me. The first was to tell me that he had to go to the loo, the second was because he had finished his milk and the third was to remind me that I had forgotten to put on classic fm! At least we know who is in charge in this household.

His list of toys to take to mudpud camp seems to grow longer everyday. Today he added geomags and pattern blocks. Needless to say, Hot Wheels are first on the list. Must remember to save room in the back of the car for the tent!


Rossi said...

Have to say we felt much the same when we went there last summer. I felt really deflated and disappointed. Personnaly I think that the space bit in the Science museum in London is MUCH better and it's free!

sam said...

I totally agree and the added bonus with london is that the natural history museum and the v&a are right next door. not to mention all the shops!