Friday, October 14, 2005

A scientific sort of week.. well, sort of.

Following our science day yesterday, we did dinosaurs at mudpud. Everyone brought really cool activities, sam's favorite was the origami pteradon. What a brilliant idea, combining two of his favorite things. For some reason he decided that his did not need eyes so it was flying blind, making it even more dangerous!!! He and most of the other children spent the last 30 minutes of the group flying their pteradons down the stairs and then running around like loons. He was so worked up that his head was damp from sweat! We really enjoyed the group today, all tlhe children got on well as did the parents.

Yesterday was our science day, we had hoped to have the company of the puddles but circumstances dictated otherwise. I had about 6/7 experiments lined up and we managed to do them all. I have posted photos of a few of them. Sam had a blast, science really seems to be his thing. We have also started our chicken mummy-the whole process takes about 6 weeks and it will be interesting to see if it actually makes it that far. We had a good discussion about the mummification process and why people would choose to do so. Sam's main concern was whether we were going to put gold & jewels in between the layers of the bandages. Unsurprisingly I am not going to be donating any of my jewelery to this chicken.

Had a hard time getting sam to sleep tonight. He seems to be very excited about the prospect of staying the night with nana and grandad tomorrow night. When last I left him he was busy reading to his fluffy dinos and telling them that they needed to go to sleep so they had engery to play with nana. He doesn't normally sleep with his fluffy toys, he must have been inspired by our dino session today.

1 comment:

HelenHaricot said...

Tammy, I have blogged a potential plan for thursday - i hope it is still on??
I can't find your email though.
Do you know your way to mine? and do you want to blog comments on any ideas you have. you are the expert!