Saturday, October 08, 2005

Do you think the OU does a freshers week?

Probably not and even if they did I don't think that I could cope with that much excitement at my age. For my fellow americans freshers week is the first week of college here in the uk where everyone drinks to excess while trying very hard to figure out everything there is to know about college life. I suppose it is a little like rush week back home but without the frats. Anyway all this is a way of saying that I have signed up to do an ou course in fossils and the history of life on earth. Sam has generously agreed to help me if I get stuck. I am really looking forward to the course and am eager to get started. I only wish they did more history/archaeology short courses, I really fancy one on egyptology or the ancient near east.

It has been a good week, despite this icky cold that I can't seem to shake. We have talked alot about ancient civilizations and archaeology. There is a really cool experiment in the SOTW activities book that involves mumifying a chicken (of the prepacked ready to roast variety) I am really keen to try it and sam thinks it would be cool. Must remember to add that to the tesco's list. (thank goodness for home delivery, it is one of the greatest reinventions of the last decade). We also spent lots of time learning about diwali as we were in charge of the diwali cards for home ed group. Sam seemed very intereseted, especially in the mythology associated with the various gods and godesses. I have to say that a pantheon of gods who have exciting adventures seems to appeal much more to him than christianity. I think he would be well chuffed if I announced that we were going to build a shrine to zeus and have him as our household god! He also likes the Indian gods as they get to cool adventures (his words not mine!).

Today was the NCT Nearly New Sale and I was very proud of sam for being such a big help. With M being on nights and needing to sleep during the day I had no choice but to bring him with me. He actually enjoys the sale, especially when he has a pound to spend. He was really good at helping to set up and managed to find a bag of mecano for £1. The sale itself was chaotic and we slipped off in the middle to go to french class. Sam went on his own again without so much as a "bye, mom" so I was left to run errands on my own. After french we went back to the sale to help clear up and then pottered home to wake up M and play with the new mecano. I also managed to pick up Battleship for £1 so we had a family game of that . Sam took great delight in sinking most of my battleships.

M is working tonight and tomorrow night but we are looking foward to next weekend as sam is going to stay with nana & grandad for the first time. Some couple time is much anticipated and appreciated.

1 comment:

sam said...

hi, nice to have you here. I have been enjoying reading your blog-you guys always seem to pack so much into the day!
The jury is still out on the chicken-I think it is worth doing but am a bit daunted by the number of steps involved. may have to work up to it.