Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Call me a glutton for punishment!

We just received the Superfudge tapes that I got on ebay. I know I moaned about fudge a few posts ago but sam really loves the stories and was dreading having to take the tapes back to the library. I managed to get the same tapes for .65p and he has been as happy as larry all day. He as worn his walkman as much as possible and has been giggling like a maniac to himself. I only hope that I am able to find the rest of the books on cd/tape.
Got all the normals done today as well as doing some stuff in preparation for mudpud on friday. (pics to follow). We created a model of the nile flood plain and build a pyramid out of sugar cubes. Tomorrow we are going to work on our Egypt lapbook so hopefully we will be well prepared for friday.
He seems to be enjoying SOTW and I know I am. We are taking it slowly and I have planned to do a few of the early man activities before we move on to the next section. I only wish I could take him somewhere to see flink knapping. He is very keen to see it and have a go. I did a bit when I was at university but haven't got any of the right tools or right stone to show him at home. I would love to get my hands on a piece of obsidian, that was so nice to work with.
We are looking forward to our trip to london next week-the science musuem is holding a special space session for home educators so we are going along. I can't remember the last time we were in london, it may have been M's birthday way back in january.

Congratulations to my friend S who has just had her 3rd girl. Mother and baby are doing well and are now back home.

Please spare a thought for everyone in the way of Rita. Luckily Key West (one of my favorite places on earth) came out of it pretty well but people in texas and louisiana may not fare so well.


Anonymous said...

Oh yioua re so m uch more organised than us, doing stuff on Egypt and everything.

RE Rita, I feel really sorry for the people evacuated to Houston following Katrina and now they havw to be on the move again.

sam said...

not really, I just thought that I had better try out the things we are taking-so that I don't make too big a fool of myself! (I've done that before-especially the last couple of cooking projects I have taken along)