Monday, July 24, 2006

Sunny Days..

and oh how we are enjoying them. We are spending every moment we can outside, soaking in the sunshine. I will be so sad when this tropical weather leaves and typical british summer weather begins. I only have two complaints, lack of decent airconditioning in public buildings and all of the men who feel it is somehow acceptable to walk around without a shirt just because the sun in shining. It may be hot but that is no excuse to walk down the street half naked!

Had a quiet week last week in the end as we were carless ( and still are). We managed to make a couple new friends on thursday. We met a lovely grandmotherly woman on the train from here to loughborough. She walked us in the loughborough and made sure that we knew where we were going. She even gave sam money for an ice cream which stunned him. We both protested but in the end I let him accept it for fear we would offend the kind lady. Funnily enough we ran into her the following day in our local park. Had a fun session at loughborough museum doing dino crafts. On the train on the way home met a little girl sam's age who lives near by. The two got on really well and hopefully we will see them again at the park. I should have taken the mum's phone number to arrange a playdate. Sam really needs some local playmates, I think he is getting bored with only me to play with.

This week has been equally quiet. The only excitement of the week so far has been riding in the tow truck while taking the jeep to the garage. Yesterday we spent the whole morning scrapbooking at sam's request. He did several pages all on his own, which meant that at last I was able to start my book. We both had fun and sam couldn't wait for M to get home to show him his pages. Spent the afternoon doing normals and playing. Sam found a cricket so put it in the empty stick insect cage and observed it. It seemed very friendly and it was very cute. We will let it go this morning, once the rain has stopped.

Today we are going to walk over to the local country park for bug session. Not too sure what it involves but sam hopes we will get to do some pond dipping.

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