Thursday, June 09, 2005

What is red and black and wiggles on the living room floor??

Sam in our new mummy bags pretending to be a worm. M got home early today so we headed into town for some retail therapy. We bought our sleeping bags for camp as well as a lantern and a few other bits and bobs. Sam had great fun after dinner trying out the bags, even though being adult bags they were miles too big for him. He was so excited that he asked to sleep in his bag and was so chuffed that he went to bed without asking for a story or his bedtime milk. There is some hope then that he may get to sleep at camp afterall.

A low key HE day, only head sprout and some reading. He read the first half of Green Eggs and Ham to me and was ever so pleased with himself (as well he should be). We spent the morning at our NCT weekly drop in group as we were holding the annual NCTTea Party. It was nice to catch up with people we don't see that often. Sam is very much the older man of the group now and I can't tell you how many times I got asked if he was going to school in sept. That led to lots of interesting discussions about HE. All of them were positive, at least to my face! After the tea party we wandered over to central park for the teddy bear's picnic being hosted by Peterborough Sure Start. Sam had fun on the bouncy castle and ran around like a loon in the sand and water. He was filthy but exhausted when we finally made it home.

Tomorrow it is Happy Faces and Activity World, so another fun but busy day.

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