Monday, June 13, 2005

Dad is great!!

This is what both sam and I sang today. M came home from work this am and decided to take over the morning's lessons. Sam thought it was fantastic. First M took him on a tree hunt in the woods. They picked a bag full of leaves and brought them home for identification and tracing in sam's nature notebook. Sam also learned that it is a good idea not to pick stinging nettles!! Luckily daddy was able to find a dock leaf. While the boys were out exploring nature I was busy ebaying and amazoning. I have 6 things listed on ebay but no bids yet!

After catloguing Sam's leaves we went out to launch his bottle rocket. As you can see from the photos below it was a great success. They intend to take it out again tomorrow, this time testing whether the temperature of the water impacts the distance the rocket will travel. It is all too technical for me, my job is to take photos and refill the water jug!

Sam introduced M to the delights of the Hot Wheels website. While I was fixing dinner the two of them were engrossed in the games. This does not bode well for the future.

Tomorrow is french and berry picking at the local pick your own. I may even be brave enough to attemt some jam making!


sam said...

hill farm at alwalton-just over the A1 from the show grounds!

a said...

Rocket pictures look great! Sounds like M really threw himself into doing things.
French? Beans?