Thursday, June 02, 2005

Social Butterflys

A quiet couple of days on the formal HE front-other than Headsprout we haven't done much sit down work. We have been far too busy concetrating on the social side of things.

Yesterday we were supposed to meet "The Boys" at central park but due to the lovely summer weather we decamped here. I love having them all over and everyone got on really well. The girls (the younger siblings of the boys both aged two) and conall (my godson and another sibling of one of the boys) were in the thick of things. Whatever The Boys were doing they had to do too. Sam was delighted to be able to show off his room and they all spent most of the afternoon up there-you can imagine what that was like at the end of the day!! Sam went to bed shattered, his sugar buzz having run out about 6. The picture below is of all of the gang (minus L and her two).

Today we went to see the cousins. I got lots of smiles and cuddles from both of them. James is now 2 months old and very cute. Sam and Benjamin got on really well, the older the get the better they get on. Sam had great fun making a swamp out of Benjamin's sandbox (sorry Jo!!)-though in his defense she did give him the hose and say he could put some water in there. That is my son-give him and inch and he takes a mile. I did feel sorry for her, though, when he proceeded to lecture her on the evils of disposable diapers when she complained that James's had leaked twice today. I never imagined that he actually listend when did our nappy talks for the real nappy road show. Just shows how impressionable they are.

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