Monday, June 06, 2005

Long time no blog....

or at least it feels that way. Haven't meant to be so neglectful of the blog, just seem to have been busy the last few evenings with sam and the latest book for my book group.
The week ended on a highnote- a bug hunt in central park with our local mudpud group. Sam was in his element and really had a good time, as did I. It was nice to catch up with everyone and meet Jax and her children. When rain stopped play merry kindly asked us back to hers and the fun continued.

The weekend was full of tidying, running errands and movies. Saturday we did all our jobs in the morning and then spent the last part of the afternoon watching The WildThornberries. Sam really enjoyed the movie as did I. It was far better than any of the disney animated films we have watched lately. Sunday brought more decluttering and tidying and more movies. We watch Dinosaur from Disney, which we hadn't seen for about a year. That seemed to make a difference because this time sam didn't ask me to fast forward through the scary bits. The house is starting to look better but have a few more boxes to get rid of before Cheryl arrives next week.

On an HE front we are still progessing through Headsprout, Explode the Code and Singapore Math. We will start science again tomorrow, having taken almost a week off. Sam's favorite thing at the moment is the Stories from around the World book from Usborne. He has two at bedtime and really seems to enjoy them. We are also reading Superfudge by Judy Blume-I am not sure that he gets all of it but he thinks that everything Fudge does is very funny. I remember reading Judy Blume books growing up and it is nice to be able to share them with sam. (though I don't think he is quiet ready for Are you there god it is me margaret.

It was a busy monday morning here-Sandra from Ichtus Resources came by with most of thier stock of great HE books and Merry and the girls stopped by as well as D and her son J. The children all played really well while we had a chance to look through all of the great books. Managed to stay pretty much in budget, though have ear marked a few things for future purchases. Spent the afternoon playing penny racers and running errands.


sam said...

thank you for that suggestion, I didn't realise they were on tape. I will definately ask when we go to the library later in the week.

Jax Blunt said...

Lovely to meet you too - nice to put another face to blog as it were :)