Our feet have hardly touched the ground since cheryl arrived on friday. we have kept her so busy that she is going to need a vacation to recover!! After picking her up at gatwick we made a mad dash for home and got back just in time to grab lunch then run to muddlepuddle. The theme this week was native americans and I think the children all enjoyed themselves. I helped them do navajo fry bread, which seemed to go down a treat, though I am not sure a real navajo would have recognised it. Sam made the biggest coil pot ever-using up most of the clay I think ( sorry merry!).
Saturday we were up bright and early for our trip to cambridge. We met M's parents for a father's day picnic. It was an idlyic day, there is nothing nicer on a sunny day than punting along the backs. Cheryl was very brave and had a go as you can see by the pic below. She was very good and there were no crashed and no one fell in the cam! We picniced on jesus green before returning back up river. Most of the colleges were closed to visitors but we were able to have a look around King's College Chapel-what a beautiful buidling. We finished the day off with a little retail therapy before heading home to light the bbq.
Poor cheryl didn't even get a lie in on sunday because we were up early again, this time to go to the East of England show. My nct branch runs the mother and baby room there each year and I was scheduled to work on sunday. Sam had a blast as usual-he really loves going to the show. He was fascinated by the traction engines and the old cars. He also enjoyed the fairground games and won himself two fluffy dogs. The mother and baby room was very busy with parents trying to escape the heat.
Yesterday we shared the joys of tesco with cheryl-at least we went early enough so that it wasn't too busy. We spent the afternoon at the Raptor Foundation near huntingdon. We all enjoyed seeing the birds and getting to hold them. As you can see from the photo sam got up close and personal with one of the owls.
Not much in the way of formal HE in the last few days but lots of interesting discussions on everything from how traction engines work to greek gods. He is such a curious little boy, I love the questions he comes up with-well most of the time. He is really enjoying having cheryl here, they get along so well-and she treats him to ice cream!!
Today we are off to woburn safari park and sam is excited about the prospect of monkey jumping all over the car. I hope they don't I am a nervous enough driver without animals leaping on my roof!
On a personal note I am very pleased that somehow my jam managed to set! I know that makes me sound like a very sad person but never having made it before I was convinced that I was doomed to failure. It didn't make as many jars as I anticipated but I am quite pleased with the result.