Sunday, March 20, 2005

a camping we will go..

We have signed up to go to the muddlepuddle camp in june. sam is very excited as he has never been camping. m hopes to be able to join us for a day or two, which would be wonderful. Now we have to get our tent out of the loft and check to make sure it is still all in once piece. It could take us until the end of june to find everything!
Have had a busy weekend. M wanted a new suit for his interview next week so we trooped into town. Unfortunately he didn't find anything but sam was delighted to find that we now have a lush in peterborough. I have never known a toddler to get so excited about bath bombs. Luckily the one he chose turned the bath water a lovely orange color, unlike the last one he had-a christmas pudding one.

We spent the rest of the day planning the reorganisation of the house. we are going to turn the dining room into a grown up living room and the living room into a playroom. the table is going into the kitchen, which involves taking out some of the working tops. It will take a few months to get everything done but the end result should be a house that is more liveable without toys in every room.

We have also set up frank's new tank so he should be in there by the end of the week. Sam can't wait to turn frank's old tank into a marine tank.

Now that things are back to normal from the holiday we are going to get back to doing a bit more. Our first project will be a scrapbook of the trip. sam took so many photos I don't know how we are going to fit them all in! My job is to delve deeper into the sonlight stuff and do some forward planning.

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