Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A margaritaville state of mind

If you have looked at the blog over the last two days you will realise that we have been in Paris drinking boat drinks and singing our hearts out at Jimmy Buffett's concert at the New Morning Jazz Club. To say that we had fun is an understatement. I can't remember the last time I was able to escape reality so completely and just throw myself in the moment.

Sam stayed with Matt's parents and had a ball as well. Due to the Eurostar disruptions they kindly had him for an additional night as we had to spend the night in london prior to our train to ensure that we got there early enough to get on the 7:30 train. We were in Paris before lunch and after dropping off our bags ( and calling the monster) we went out shopping and enjoying the autumn sunshine. It was a glorious day and we not only had a yummy lunch but window shopped to our hearts content. After a bottle of champagne (thank you t & l!)and a quick nap we were recharged and ready for the concert. The doors opened at 7, the concert started at 8 and we got there at 5:30 to experience tailgating parisian style. I can honestly say that I have never had so much fun waiting in line. We talked to everyone and found a few cyber aquatances from the buffett form that I lurk on. One woman I was chatting to shares my birthday and another couple are stationed at Kaiserslatern in Germany where we were stationed when I was little. Talk about coincidences. Everyone was super friendly a very merry as most people had brought refreshments. There were beach balls going back an forth down the line and across the street and the locals took it all in their stride. The crowd was very good natured and in control but if the same thing were to happen in anyother major city the police would have been there in a heart beat giving everyone a warning.

Managed to get right up close when Jimmy and the band arrived and am kicking myself that I didn't push my way up front and ask for an autograph-next year I won't make the same mistake.

The venue held about 300-400 people but it didn't feel full. We were pretty close to the stage and had a fantastic view. The atmosphere was electric and jimmy and the band really seemed to be enjoying themselves. They played for 2.5 hours solid and could have gone on longer. The audience joined in on every song and we all knew all the words! I usually can't remember what I ate for breakfast but once I start singing a song I know all the words. Matt took a few videos on the camera and once he figures out how to upload them on to flickr I will put them on the blog and youtube-just ignore my singing-I may know all the words but I don't sound that great!! We left the concert full of life and energy but starving as our only dinner had been a few potato chips while tailgating. Did we head to some quaint parisian after hours dinner or bisto-no we headed for the golden arches. I know we shouldn't have but we were both dying for fast food.

All in all it was a fab weekend and we can not wait for a return trip next year. So a huge thank you to matt's parents for having the monster and to Mr. Buffett et al for coming to paris and putting us all in a margaritaville state of mind.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you and Matthew had a really wonderful time,you guys deserved it,don't forget the autographs next year. Can't wait to hear you sing on the video.

Anonymous said...

You lucky duck!! I have only seen Jimmy on the big screen! So glad you had fun and I really hope he comes back next year so you can go again!

sam said...

why don't you time your visit next year to coincide with the concert? We should have enough airmiles to cover eurostar and the hotel for all three of us.

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure to have Sam, we all had a great weekend. So glad you both enjoyed your weekend.

Mum & Dad