Monday, September 29, 2008

All hail the new leader..

Upon picking up sam from beavers he greeted me with the news that he is now lodge leader by virtue of the fact that he is the oldest in his lodge. He is very excited to be in charge and thinks he is going to have a tough job keeping the boys in his lodge quiet. Those of you who know sam will find this hard to believe but he is actually one of the quietest boys in his pack. I am quite sure that his troop leader must be deaf, there is no other way she could survive the noise week after week! We are very proud of sam and know that he will do a good job.

This weekend sam had his friend dan to stay and I am pleased to announce that they actually slept!! They had had a busy day, going to the movies, playing lego, bike riding and dsing so they were tired by the time bed time came round. They were both up at 6 but played their dss quietly and didn't come check on me until 7 so that was okay. Sam had a blast and it was a pleasure to have dan over-both boys are planning another visit very soon.

Schoolwise sam has now finished Singapore Math 3A and with 3B we are now entering the realm of fractions and simple geometry. I think he enjoys math more than he admits to, he certainly likes the challenge of getting a problem right.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Sam!

sam said...

today beavers-tomomrrow the world!!

Anonymous said...

Just an aside,I'm in complete agreement with the "commenter" who said that the live traffic feed makes her feel like a may not look that way but really, I have a life outside reading your blog, really!

Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

Ahh, MK--that was because I hit the sight about 5 times in one day! (And yes--I do have a small life outside the blog world!)

Congrats to Sam--enjoy the 'power'! Have you played him 'The leader of the Pack'?