Friday, September 01, 2006

sam cubed

Not only do we have one new neighbor with a son called sam but now we have two!! That brings the total of boys named sam to 3 in oliver close. Not bad considering that there are only 7 children in to total here. One sam is 9 and lives in the house attached to ours, the other lives in the big house at the end and looks as if he is about 17/18. My sam is over the moon with sam next door and sam next door for his part seems very happy to play with my sam despite their age difference. They have been in and out of the two houses all week and sam falls into bed exhausted each night with all the bike riding and soccer they have been playing. It is such a novelty to have a playmate living next door-sam is so delighted. For my part I have had some time to me while they have been playing-managed to start a new knitting project and do paper work all in the middle of the day. My sam can't understand why sam next door wants to go to school and thinks he should stay home and be home educated so they can play together.

A bit of a non descript week-we did normals, we sorted things out for the new school year, we explored leicester and we spent time with M. Have been in a funk most of the week-it is the end of summer blues. The nice weather has just about gone and it is time to turn my attention to more serious matters other than having fun and exploring. We are pretty sorted for the new school year-just have to sort out all the crafty bits for the first month.

We expect to have a low key weekend as M is on nights but hope to get out to the local tennis club who are having an open day tomorrow. Sam is very keen to join and as they haven't answered any of my emails this seems the perfect chance to find out more about them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Sam has some "Sam's" to keep him occupied. That will be good for him.