Sunday, September 03, 2006

Low key..

that about sums up our weekend. M was on nights so sam and I pottered while he slept and then we had a family trip to the pool.

Saturday and and I ventured out in the wind and rain to sign him up for tennis lessons. We went to one of the local clubs who was having an open day. He starts on sunday and his coach is the same man he had earlier in the summer. The lessons will be indoors thank goodness but are at 9am on sundays! Oh well, at least starbucks will be open he finishes and we can do up there for a sunday morning treat. We also joined our local tennis club so that we can go along and practice while everyone else is at work and school. Even managed to find myself a racket on ebay for only £1.31!! he is very keen to get going and can't wait for his first lesson.

This morning we organised all our school books and now I feel almost ready to start the new school year. I also did lots of planning for craft activities and art projects so short of finding all the supplies we are pretty much there. It is so nice to have the books in some sort of order, they were just dumped on the shelves when we moved in and not organised. Just hope that I am able to make this year fun for him, it disheartens me when he says he doesn't like doing this or that because I feel that I have failed. He needs to learn but above all I want him to enjoy himself while he is doing it. I console myself with the thought that at least he is having more fun here than if he were at school.

All of his lessons, swimming, tennis and french start this week so it should be a good chance for us both to start making more local friends. I also have the schedule for the local home ed group so we will go along to an event very soon. the french class is run by the local home ed group so that will be a good start to getting to know the local scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are very busy getting things prepared for the new school year. You can rest assured that he is having fun and getting a much better education than he would in public school. You are doing a great job.