Friday, September 15, 2006

Into the groove

We have certainly gotten back into the habit of a more structured approach to our day-hence the lack of blogging. We are busy all morning and early afternoon with school type stuff and then playing or out for the rest of the day. Sam certainly seems happier to be doing stuff and there have been no tears over math lately. ( shouldn't have written that should I? now there are bound to be tears on monday!) His reading is coming on in leaps and bounds as his his general comprehension. He will now drop facts into conversation-things that we may have covered days before or not at all and he has picked them up on his own. He seems to have boundless energy at the moment so am trying to keep him active in the afternoons. We played tennis on monday-he is definately improving, though the same can't be said for me. We hope to fit in a trip to the pool tomorrow and he has tennis lessons on sunday morning so it should be a pretty active weekend.

We have had two playdates this week L and M who live in the next village and V and I who live right around the corner. I is a bit younger than Sam but the two got on really well and it is nice to know that we have friends within walking distance. Sam and M and tons of fun when we went round there to play and L and I got to catch up on what had been happening all summer. Haven't yet made it to the local home ed group, forces keep conspiring against us. We will make it there though this side of halloween.

We have been collecting the David Attenborough DVDs in the paper this week and sam has been mesmorized. We all have learned so much and been so entertained that we are considering getting the box set of all the series for xmas. By the way it is only 100 days until xmas so time to start panicing about the shopping. Have already bought sam two things but that is all I have done so far.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Christmas shopping reminder. Remind me aagain about the 24th of Dec, hahah. Glad Sam is doing good with his school work. Keep working on your Tennis, you will get there.

Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Thanks Tammy, you've just added another thing for me to panic about - only 100 days until Christmas? Help, no, actually it's now less isn't it, as you wrote this on Friday - ahhhhhh! Elle

sam said...

Didn't mean to panic anyone-says she who is now quietly panicing and list making in ernest.