Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Easter Bunny Comes early..

in the form of M's grandmother and aunt and uncle. They came for a visit today and came bearing easter gifts for us all, most notably sam. It was lovely to see them, especially M's uncle who has been very ill but looks as if he is now on the road to recovery. Sam tormented auntie S until she constented to build a lego house for his new dragon. unfortunately it was a bit of an impossible task as he dragon is about 3 feet long and although we have a lot of lego we don't have quite that much! She was a good sport though and did her best.
Did some crafty stuff before they came and managed to squeeze in a chapter of our read aloud as well as having sam read to me. tomorrow I am going to sneak in math and explode the code. I think our next project will be on California, which will take a bit of thinking on my part as there is so much we could cover. I think we will start by doing a map and puting in the major cities and places that are significant to our family. We could also look at what dinos (if any) have been excavated there as well as the prehistoric creatures from the la brea tar pits. we could do some experiments about earthquakes. we could do a bit on native american tribes in CA as well as the white settlers. we can't of course miss out the gold rush! we could also do how our family came to life in CA and where they all are. we can look at native animals and the different climatic zones. we could talk about california as a magnet for immigrants and how they have shaped the state. we could eat mexican food-just about the closest thing ca has to native quisine. oh there is so much to do, i am feeling quite inspired. hope sam will be. will have to find something gory to hook him in. the dinos and la brea tar pits should definately capture him.

Stress free trip to Ikea yesterday. Can't believe that I just typed those words, they don't usually go together. they didn't have the flooring that we had originally gone for but did find something that we liked and it even cost less than our original choice. sam got a gaint dragon which has been draped over him ever since. He even brought it into our bed this morning, funny it didn't feel so soft when it wacked me on the head at 5am. We also got the lighting for the downstairs hallways. still lots more we need but the car and our bank account can only take so much! I suspect we are going to be very regular visitors there over the next few months.


dawniy. said...

we love Ikea :)have you tried their Daime bar cake? oooh yum

Anonymous said...

Hope the Easter Bunny was good to Sam and brought him lots of chocolate.