Thursday, July 07, 2005

How do you age 20 years in 5 mintues?

Set off your friend's burglar alarm, loose her front door key and reduce her daughters to tears. Sorry Merry!!!!! In my defense the alarm wasn't my fault but that didn't make me feel any less guilty. Loosing the key was definately my fault, in my panic to comfort the children I dropped it somewhere on the drive and while merry's very nice neighbor took the children into hers to distract them, I frantically searched every inch of the gravel for the key. All those years of field walking paid off! I was just about to give up and offer to pay for a new lock when I spotted it on the ground (thank you st. anthony of padua). Thankfully the children had calmed down by the time merry arrived and she was able to turn off the alarm no problem. It was certainly an interesting way to end the day.

The rest of the day was very uneventful. Sales at waddling were better than expected and fran's twiddle necklaces sold like hotcakes. Sam is a brilliant salesman-even if he isn't always sure of his target market. He trying to sell the necklaces to anyone who walked by, be they a toddler or a parent. Whatever his method it worked because we sold several necklaces.

We also managed to fit in the library, karate and tescos which should have tied sam out but sadly didn't.

tomorrow is going to be a frantic day-happy faces, a mystery job, a hair cut and getting everything together for camping. I think we will all collapse in a heap at the end of the day.


HelenHaricot said...


HelenHaricot said...

ooh, like your gravatar. merry. mine doesn't seem to be working