Thursday, June 14, 2007

Catch up ..yet again..

I always seem to be playing catch up at the moment, not only on the blog but with life in general. We have had a good couple of weeks full of trips out with friends, normals and family time. We have had two trips out with V & I, one to the hidden gems of leicester and the other to Belgrave Hall, another hidden gem here in leicester. It is a beautiful Queen Anne house set in grounds about 2 miles from the house and a million light years away from the world around it. It is said to be haunted, though the boys were so lively that they were sure to have sent any ghosts into hiding. I enjoyed looking round as did V, hope the boys did too as it would be fun to carry on these history field trips.

Today C and D came over to play, V and I were supposed to come as well but were too busy baking for I's party. D is in sam's french class and the two get on like a house on fire. They had had lots of fun today and were so quiet up in sam's room that we hardly knew they were there! The dogs adored D, especially as he kept slipping them bits of his lunch.

Schoolwise everything is ticking along. Sam's reading gets better everyday and he is enjoying languages more and more. I am enjoying refreshing my language skills along side him and have finally started my latin course. I am not sure who enjoys the interactive dvd more, him or I. He is still science mad and still insisting that he hates math. C gave me the idea of making a board game to help with his times tables and he really seems to enjoy playing, if only I could get him to remember his times tables for more than 5 minutes. If only I could find some way to link them to hot wheels cars I know he would remember them!

Rogue now has a new trick, he can open doors! Not a good thing I can assure you. Came down one day to discover that he had opened the door to the middle floor and helped himself to a whole loaf of bread. That boy is ruled by his stomach. He is now out of his crate at bedtime which means that for at least part of the night we have two dogs and sometimes a boy in the bed. I think it is time to investigate a bigger bed!

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