Wednesday, January 10, 2007

En Garde..

was something that I thought they only said it movies but last week at fencing class I learned that it is a real term. M and I have just started an 8 week fencing course. Last week was our first week and we both enjoyed it. We spent most of the lesson learning the correct position and practicing moving forward and by the end of it my arms ached. E from next door watched sam and he had a blast as they watched a movie and looked at dog websites. The most exciting part of the evening though was coming home to find that he had just lost a tooth! Can't believe that my little boy is so grown up. He was very anxious for the toothfairy to bring a hotwheels car instead of a £1 and as he wrote her such a nice note she oblidged. Not sure if she will be able to do it for each tooth though-they are awfully heavy for her to carry!

Schoolwise things are ticking over. We finally subscribed to education city, which with the home ed discount was very reasonable. Sam really enjoys it and I like the fact that you can work at different levels in different subjects. He is doing year one for everything but since where I have moved him up to year 3. It is a shame that they don't have a history or geography section. Speaking of history we have finally finished off Alexander the Great and are moving on to the romans I think. That ties in very well with our latin lessons. I am thinking of doing the Cambridge on line latin course to help me brush up so that I can teach him better. I would also like to do a greek one at some point.

To help further his love of space we have introduced him to star trek next generation-the series. He his lapping it up, guess we have another trekkie in the house. I think a lot of the plots have gone over his head but he loves the gadgets and all the cool machines that they have on the show. I don't know-a trekkie and a parakeet what are we teaching the boy!


HelenHaricot said...

can you remind me how to get the home ed discount?

Anonymous said...

Real "Trekkies" prefer to be called "Treksters"...I'm a little disturbed that I know that....

sam said...

again I repeat-who are you and what have you done with MK?!

Helen-the code is school (if that doesen't work try schools). If you use a refer a friend code you get an extra 3 months for free and so do we. Our code is A2F32H7D.

HelenHaricot said...

fantastic tammy!
will do

HelenHaricot said...

in fact, have just done so, enjoy your extra 3 months!

Anonymous said...

Wheeeew! There's hope...I was incorrect (thank goodness). Trekkies prefer to be called "Trekkers". All is again right with the you can all "boldly go..."

sam said...

thank you helen!