Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Eek I was tagged..

thank you for tagging me..okay here goes.

Six weird things about me.


Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.

1. I am american, my parents are american, I was born in america (kansas of all places) but I have now lived 22 of my 38 years outside of the us. My father was in the airforce and we were stationed in germany and the uk, which accounts for a good portion of the years, the rest are the years I spent here in college and graduate school and the 13 that M and I have been married.

2. I like filling in forms. Don't know, maybe it is the satisfaction of completing something or maybe I am just totally sad but I am happy and willing to fill in all the forms that get shoved my way.

3. I am a parrothead and a trekkie. Odd combination I know but I can't help it. The highlight of our vacation in 2005 was going to see jimmy in concert. Am hoping to do the same for my 40th.

4. I have slept with the same pillow my whole life-it has been recovered numberous times and in need of repair again as the puppy decided to chew it.

5. In college I actually studied on friday and saturday nights rather than going out and having fun. Not sure if that makes me weird or just sad.

6. I know all the lyics to most classic disney songs-especially the older movies.

I don't think there is anyone left on the blogring to tag..but if anyone reads this and hasn't been tagged yet consider yourself tagged.

Off the blog ring I tag


Anonymous said...

By not going out at uni, you saved yourself money, and probably a whole lot of trouble. Take it from someone who went out, it did not make me any more intersting just more drunk!

Anonymous said...

But that pillow thing is gross! lol