Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Feeling human again..

both the monster and I have been laid up with the coldy/fluy thing that is going round. I have been out since last wednesday and things are finally starting to look up. The monster has only been poorly a few days so hopefully he will be well by xmas. M hasn't had it at all and is threating to stay at work until the house is germ free!! Fingers crossed he doesn't get it.

Things have been relatively quiet since the middle of last week. I haven't felt up to much and sam was happy to stick around here doing normals and xmas type stuff. We did miss my godson's debut performance on stage which I was very upset about-by all accounts he did well and is set to join his older brother on stage in the summer production. Will have to dose up on the vitamin C before hand to ensure none of us have colds.

The house is all decorated now and we finished the tree at the weekend. Sam and M did a fantastic job-it is very twinkly and festive. Have just about finished all the gift buying, now come the fun task of wrapping. I do miss the free gift wrapping that so many stores and malls do in the states. I don't know why more malls and stores don't do it here-that and validate parking. While I am having a mini rant why can't the supermarkets employ baggers at this time of the year? It is no fun trying to unload and pack a huge xmas food shop on your own. It is like some sadistic game show. Sam did his best to help but even he couldn't keep up with all the food that was coming down the belt.

Not sure how much 'normal' school work will get done this week. Thursday we have the xmas party with the boys and friday we are in serious holiday baking mode. I am also going to put him to work over the weekend helping me with the veg and other food for monday. He enjoys helping in the kitchen and is good company so it should be fun.

1 comment:

HelenHaricot said...

we have been normal free for most of december, so don't feel bad. i think it gives SB a break and she then concentrates back on things again.
hugs for colds all over.
we had a home delivery of the xmas staples!