Friday, December 08, 2006

Bit of a blurr

This week has passed by in a bit of a blur. We seem to have been busy all week with one thing and another. The first half of the week it was normals, mystery jobs and holiday cooking. The later half of the week it was visiting friends and going out. Sam's favorite things at the moment are languages-french and latin and education city. Following rave reviews on other bloggs (petite harriots) we decided to give it a try. I was amazed to find that despite the very obvious educational bent sam enjoyed it. Sam is usually very reluctant to try games and sites that he know are educational. Depite this he really seemed to enjoy the site and spent over an hour playing in the various areas. If it continues to be so popular may well subscribe at the end of the free trial period. The best bit is that it works on the mac (yeah!) unlike webland which will only work on my old and tired pc.

Yesterday we went to visit my friend L and her family. They have two dogs, panda a jack russell and magic a standard poodle. We took Miko with us and she had a ball. Not only did she have fun playing with panda and magic but she also behaved herself. I was pleased at how well she behaved-no accidents in the house, no jumping up, no chew furniture and no jumping up. She played mainly with panda as magic was a little shy. The two had great fun playing in the house and then between showers we let the three out for a good romp in the garden. Needless to say sam had to join in and I am not sure who had more fun, sam or the dogs!

M is on nights over the weekend so think things will be quiet. We got the tree in the week so will do doubt put it up and start to decorate it and the house. Must try and find the xmas decorations and get them up in the next week. Sam is very excited about trimming the tree and putting up decs. Not sure how many will be puppy proof!


Anonymous said...

Good Girl Miko! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well.

HelenHaricot said...

education city does seem to be rather enjoyable. And I like the fact that you can alter the levels through the year as well.

Jax Blunt said...

All sounding good. I'm considering starting a latin club with Big at her school :)