Saturday, November 11, 2006

Quiet times

things have been fairly quiet here recently, hence the lack of blogging. There have been lots of normals, visits with friends and lots of family time. We have explored local parks with Miko and just generally enjoyed ourselves. Made an impromtu visit to ashby castle this week as M had not been and it was too nice a day to stay in.

Schoolwise things are going well. Sam is almost finished Singapore 1B math and explode the code 3. He has settled into work and is happy most days to sit down and learn. We are both really enjoying french lessons, they are once a week a now and it is a really nice group. The children are all about sam's age and I think we spend as long after the lesson in the park with them as we do in the lesson itself. Sam is doing well at tennis and swimming and seems to be working hard and paying attention in both.

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