Saturday, November 25, 2006

Belated thanksgiving wishes..

I know it is a few days late but I wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. We had a lovely day and I hope that Matthew's colleague and his family enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed theirs. Sam and their daughter got on very well and he is very keen to play with her again. It was nice to be able to share the holiday with friends. Roll on christmas!!

The last week and a half have passed by quickly thanks to seeing lots of family and friends. We had great fun at the space centre with M and her boys and then a few days later we met up with my in laws to take my mil ice skating for her birthday. We managed to get tickets for the rink at the natural history museum and we were impressed with how well it was organised. We all had a lot of fun with minimal bumps and bruises. Sam stayed on the ice for the whole hour, though a lot of that was on his bottom! I am not sure which was more fun for him-skating or falling. He was giggling the whole time. We made a flying trip to the natural history museum-long enough for sam to buy yet another fluffy dino! I am sure that he has more dinos than jurassaic park, how he manages to sleep with them all in his bed is a mystery. All in all it was a wonderful day out.

It has been a quiet week as far as schooling-a lot of the time we spent getting ready for thanksgiving. Sam was a fantastic help in the kitchen and with the cleaning. We talked a lot about thanksgiving, its history and what he is thankful for. He really enjoyed talking about the fact that the president pardens a turkey every year so we visited the white house website and voted on the names for the presidental turkey. that then led on to a discussion about where the president lives, what the does and why he has so many pets! His two dogs and cats are quite the filmakers and have several short movies on the site. Sam now thinks that Miko should make a movie for our this space!! We have also had interesting discussions about alexander the great and have started watching the dvd of "In the footsteps of Alexander" with Michael Wood. We have all been glued to it and are going to get more of his series as they are very compelling. Shame we can't find them at the library-those are the sort of things they ought to have really.

Miko is still loosing teeth and is getting bolder as far as food goes. If I leave something on the counter top she will try to get it when my back is turned. She managed to lick a whole pile of tortillas on friday so I had to throw them out. With what she snacks on the amount of germs in her mouth don't bear thinking about. We took her for a long watlk in bradgate today. She and sam were covered in mud by the time we got back to the car but we managed to tucker them both out. It is so beautiful up there, would love on one of the higher peaks in the park.


Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your friends for Thanksgiving and that a good time was had by all. Nice photos of the ice skating and Sam's space adventure. Take care, OK

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a happy Turkey Day (gobble! gobble!)

Anonymous said...

We had a great day especially on the ice. Got a few tender spots but nothing to worry about. Must do it again in the future. Thank you for my birthday treat I reallly enjoyed it.
Lots of love Mum & Dad

Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

I totally forgot about Thanksgiving! Glad to hear it was a good one! I'll have to mark it on the calendar for next year.