Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New Experiences

We have all had a few new experiences the past few days. Today sam and I went to a meeting of the leicester home ed group with our friends V & I. We went with open minds and were keen to meet people and make friends. Sadly we were disapointed as were V & I. It was so unstructed that nothing was laid on and there was a very loose theme of topps trump cards. We brought ours and sam and I had a good couple of games against V & I but he could not interest anyone else in playing. There were a few toys but they were all for much younger children and in the end sam and a few of the other boys played tag in the yard. We were so lucky with our old groups and really miss them and all our friends. Sadly, sam's french class clashes with it so not sure when we will be able to go back. V & I came away with the idea of starting our own group-a la muddlepuddle style and I think that we will have a go. There may well be other people out there in the area who would like something a bit more structured but also full of fun. We are seeing them later in the week so will have a go at a bit of planning.

Miko's new experience was Ikea. We pottered up there on sat and while they wouldn't let her in she had a good walk around the outside. She would have dearly loved a hot dog and an ice cream but we were afraid that it would be too rich for her tummy. It has been quite upset the last few days so she has been back in her crate at night. After getting up in the early hours of sunday morning to clean up lots of disgusting puddles we decided that was the best course of action. When everything has cleared up she can come back to our bedroom.

We are having guests for thanksgiving next thursday so prepartions are in full swing. Sam has decided that he wants to do table decorations so we are going crafty for the rest of the week. The lovely ocado man should be delivering all the food on monday so hopefully the cooking will be straight forward. Sam has promised to help with the pies-why am I not surprised!

We are both very excited as M and the boys are coming to visit and we are all going to the space centre. Sam is very put out that Miko can't come, after all he argued they have sent a dog into space so why can't she go and look at rockets. Can't fault his logic but I don't think they will see it that way.


Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Sorry to hear about your experiences and we miss you here at the "old" group. Good luck in setting up your new HE group, I'm sure it'll be successful. Elle

HelenHaricot said...

oh dear about the new group. setting up your own sounds a good plan!

Anonymous said...

You go girl, explore those entrepreneurial opportunities, you will do just fine and it will be done right. Enjoy your guests over Thanksgiving.