Monday, August 07, 2006

Sportsman Sam

Sam is all geared up for this week of sporting activity-tomorrow golf, followed by badminton and then his weekly swimming lesson. I don't know who is going to be more pooped at the end of the week-him or me! We have had endless discussions today about golf-had to look up lots because my knowledge is very limited. Hope he enjoys it tomorrow and hope that it is well run. Our experience of things run by the local council (except the swimming lessons) hasn't been good.

The weekend seemed to fly by-saturday was chores and then M went off to an ITU bbq. Sunday M's parents and grandmother came up for a visit. It was Nan's first trip to the house and I think she liked it-apart from all the stairs! It was lovely to see them all and sam was in his element. He was given a hot wheels set and a piece of star wars lego, both of which kept him occupied for the rest of the day (and today even!). M headed out later in the day for a two day course somewhere up north. It was a long drive by all accounts but he arrived safely. Sam and I are now on our own until tuesday night, so you can guess whose bed he is sleeping in! Between all the fluffers and books I don't think he has left me any room.

A peaceful start to the day-he is insistent that we reconstruct all his playmobil sets so that when his friends H & F come at the weekend they are all ready to play with. Last week we resurected the airport, today it was the turn of the barn. Thank goodness that I saved the instructions. By the time we are done his room is going to out playmobil the playmobil section of John Lewis. He insisted on putting up the barn in front of Orlando's tank so that he could see all the animals. Just hope that he doesn't decided to make a break for freedom so that he can eat them. Don't think a playmobil mouse is as tasty as a real one.

Following our visit to planet playmobil we did normals. Added a few sticker books and pictoral crosswords to liven things up a bit. I think sam enjoyed the crossword once he got the hang of it. Have printed off another one for him tomorrow.

Was very proud of myself today as I managed to drive into the city centre and park at the huge multistory car park without either getting lost, having a panic attack or yelling. Did two mystery jobs and explored the sale at ELC. Got a few pressies for the pressie drawer and even managed to buy Sam a couple of xmas presents without him noticing. Sam spent most of the evening studying the new ELC catalogue and revising his xmas list and making new plans on what to save up for after he has finished saving up for his lego dino attack helicopter. He is finally learning that he needs to save up for things he wants. I think that we are going to have to expand his chore list so that he can earn a little more than he currently does. Not sure what the going rate for allowance is for 5 year olds-anyone have any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Sam does better at golf than I did, gave it up in 1972. Sounds as though you had a great weekend. Not sure about allowances anymore, what with inflation and all.