Friday, August 11, 2006

Out of the mouth of babes..

We went to pborough this afternoon for a mudpud picnic. It was great to see everyone and to meet a new family-they have a 6 yo son so sam was delighted. While in the park we ran into three other people we knew and in the end several of the mudpud children ended up playing cricket with sam's friend peter and his familly. What made it so nice was that we were in a place that we know and love with friends we know and care about-everything and everyone was familiar. It felt comfortable and relaxed. On the way home sam said exactly what i was thinking "It was like old times mommy" and it was. We love our new home and our new life here but we are sorely missing our friends and all our old familiar places. It isn't as if we saw our friends everyday or even every week but the idea that they were only a few minutes away was a comfort. We could ring someone up for an impromptu play where as now it involves lots of planning and a full day out. I know that in time things will be as familiar and comfortable here I don't think I realised though just how hard a process it was going to be. I should have, we lived in pborough for 13 years, these friends and familiarity did not happen over night.

All in all it has been a good week. Sam has enjoyed the two badminton classes and doesn't appear to have inherited by lack of coordination! He is all excited about cricket and rugby next week-though I imagine that he will be disapointed when he learns that it is tag rugby rather than full body tackling.

I think that his reading confidence is growing. He has always loved books but now he is actually starting to read them to himself rather than just looking at the pictures. He called down night before last to let me know that he had read a book all by himself. It was a ladybird-peter and jane book and I was amazed. Although he can read harder things and he does during our daily reading sessions he doesn't usually read to himself. Tonight he volunteered to read me some Dick and Jane stories (the american version of peter and jane)-he even went and got the book! As his confidence grows hopefully he will start to pick up more challenging things-things I know that he is capable of but wouldn't try on his own.

Tomorrow is the big day-H &F are comming and we are both excited. Playmobil world is awaiting their arrival, though it may need a few last minute adjustments as a tornado swept through there is morning. You will all be relieved to here though that the cats, rabbits and mice are okay as they drove off on the bus to go and shelter in the recycle truck! Hope the weather is better tomorrow.

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