Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Sam!!

Happy birthday to my wonderful little man. He turned 5 today and it doesn't seem possible. Just yesterday he was a tiny baby feeding around the clock and now he is all grown up. (still eating around the clock though!!)I am so proud of him and the boy he is turning out to be. I look forward to the next 5 years and know that whatever else happens they will be an adventure. I hope he had a nice birthday. It started off with presents and ended with presents so it can't have been that bad. In between was filled with party preparations and playing new computer games. We had intended to go and see Zathura but he got too engrossed in his new games and didn't want to go in the end. Instead we took his new plane and his formula fuelers out for test drives. Give me barbies any day, hot wheels aren't half as much fun.

Sort of back on track with normals, though not much got done today. We are eagerly awaiting a book on the Iditarod from Amazon for our next read aloud. The race starts on saturday and sam is very excited because his musher emailed him a picture of himself and his lead dog. It would be so cool (pardon the pun) go to up one year to see the start and finish of the race.

things are progressing with the move but don't want to say too much as I don't want to put the kybosh on things.

Tomorrow is mudpud and party cooking and then saturday is the big day. sam is so excited about seeing the snakes etc.

1 comment:

HelenHaricot said...

oops, bealted happy birthday!
SB excited about the party. She does want to keep the present, so we have said she can use her birthday money to buy one.
snakes and ladders game still in constant use!