Thursday, February 17, 2005

Coming out of the HE Closet

Now S is almost 4 and we have a vague idea of how we are going to home-ed it is easier to tell people about our decision. It seems as if everyone we meet these days wants to know when he is going to start school. Last month when a shop assistant asked him when he was going sam replied that he wasn't as he was house trained! I got a very funny look from the assistant until I explained what he meant.

As we are winding down to our holiday we have done few sit down activities. Both of us having stinking colds and sore throats hasn't helped either. He pulled a bunch of dino books off the shelf and we looked through those. we have aslo done lots of counting albeit of trains. thanks to a visit from his great nan & great aunt today sam now has more rolling stock than gner! between hot wheels and trains you can definately tell that a little boy lives here!

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