Tuesday, April 12, 2005

It's because I'm a parakeet...

This is the answer that sam gave his friend matthew when matthew asked why we had a bead necklace with a parrot on the end hanging from our rear view mirror. Matthew looked very puzzled and said "but you're not a bird". Sam gave him an exasperated look and said "parakeets are boys and girls who like jimmy buffett songs, don't you know anything". I was laughing so much that I didn't hear matthew's reply. To put this in context, fans of jimmy buffett call themselves parrotheads so their children by default are parakeets. Sam was very put out that we couldn't find him a parakeet t-shirt at the concert. Perhaps we shouldn't let him listen to so much grown up music but you can only hear the wheels on the bus so many times before you go insane. In his defense he also likes jazz and pretty music as he call classical music. He also still does like all his children's cds which drives me potty on long trips.

Anyway enough of boring everyone silly with our musical tastes. We had a good day and achieved most of what I had set out to do. The scrapbook is underway and sam really enjoyed doing it. He didn't even mind writing the titles. That is a first, normally he protests a little when asked to write something. We also spent ages playing make up the words with our hamma letter cards. We would each take turns making up a word and then the other one had to try and read it. He did good at sounding out my words and took great delight in making up lots of strange words. When I offered a prize for making up real words he even tried doing a few of those.
He made lots of airplanes out of his galt octogon set and we built hangars for them out of soft blocks. We did lots of counting and measuring so I was able to sneak that in as a math lesson.

The afternoon was taken up with collecting M's jeep from having had a new window screen fitted-don't you just hate gravel trucks and having Matthew to play. Matthew stayed to tea as well and both boys were very upset when it came time to take him home. They wanted him to stay over but I'm not sure they are really quite ready for it yet. Give it a month or two I think they will be fine. They played very well together and there were no major rows to speak of.

The rest of the week is going to be busy, lots of visiting with friends and going to see sweet baby james (can't get that james taylor song out of my head). M is on long days until thursday and then on nights friday-sunday. We won't see much of him this week-at least we have dublin to look forward to.


a said...

I love that conversation, even though I've never heard of the person in question. Probably a good thing not to rush into the sleepovers, plenty of time after all, and then they can plan one a while in advance and get really madly excited. Or maybe that's not such a good idea, but you know what I mean. I love the making up words game, looking forward to trying that with Freya but think it'll be a while yet.

Clare Kirkpatrick said...

Sounds like a fun day - is Matthew educated at home too?

sam said...

sadly matthe is not home educated-he will be going to school in sept. sam can't understand why his friends want to go to school.