Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Thank you for sending through these questions, Roslyn. I have spent all day thinking up the answers so here goes:

1. What is your next big goal in life?
Well, that kind of assumes that I set goals and achieve them. I have come to realise that I am one of those people who meander through life. I know I should set goals but never seem to get around to it. I have things I would like to achieve but I haven't gone so far as to set goals to reaching them. In the short term I want to get the house sorted out. We need to make best use of the space we have and we aren't currently doing that. I want us to be clutter free by sept, that gives us all summer to get everything done. In the long term I want to raise sam to be a loving,happy, generous, thoughtful, moral person.
On a selfish note I want to run the Race for Life this year as I missed it last year.

2. What do you look like?
A deranged lunatic mother most of the time. Joking aside I am average height with an average figure. I have dark hair and light olive skin thanks to the Italian side of my family. I wish I could say that I was always perfectly turned out with hair and make up done everyday and a weekly trip to the manicurist. These days make up seems to be reserved for high days and holy days. I honestly don't know how other women manage to find the time to take care of themselves as well as their family and the house. Spill the beans June Clever, how did you do it?! ( A very glam 50s/60s sitcom mom from the show Leave it to Beaver)

3. Apart from the obvious, what 3 possesions are most important to you?
This questions was probably the hardest to answer. If the house were on fire and all the mega stuff like photos,family,pets,jewllery&books had been saved the three things that I would go back for would be (you are really going to think I am weird now)
1. my pillow-I have had the same pillow since I was about sam's age. it goes everywhere with me and I don't get a good night's sleep without it.
2. My favorite childhood doll. I guess you could call these first two my security blankets.
3. Probably the computer-it is our window on the world.

4. Would you let your children go to school if they asked?
Yes, I would. Life is all about trying new experiences and if someday that means school for sam then so be it. I would ensure as best I could that it was a school that met all of his needs.

5. Have you ever saved a life?
Not directly but when I was in college I spent a summer teaching CPR classes so maybe someone I taught saved a life.

If YOU want to be interviewed:

1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same as you see here).
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions. (If you don’t have a blog, let this inspire you to begin one!!)
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions


Clare Kirkpatrick said...

interview me!

I've just set up my blog and am browsing others while H is out with the girls - loved your mini-interview from Roslyn!


sam said...

hi clare,
would love to interview you, please send me your email address.

Clare Kirkpatrick said...

How silly of me - you found me anyway! Well done!
