Monday, October 13, 2008

More happy least we think so

After many years of talking about it we are finally going on a family ski trip. We are going to Garmisch in Germany for a week in Jan and to say that sam is excited is an understatement. He is willing to skip xmas and go straight to Jan-an unheard of thing for a boy who loves presents as much as he does. We are going to go to either tamworth or milton keynes so that that he can have a few lessons before we hit the slopes because despite what he thinks he cannot ski. Having played enless hours of family ski on the wii he is convinced that he can really ski-should be interesting to see if that holds true! We have already kitted him out very reasonably thanks to H & M and TJ Maxx. We chose Germany because it should be less crowded than france and it is where I learned to ski, and it is somewhere that matt has always wanted ski. We are going to be there for his 40th so may need to sneak a bottle of champagne out on the slope.

As we are going to germany sam has decided that he needs to learn german so we have added it to our wed morning language lessons. He seems to be enjoying them and has started to drop french words into everyday conversation as well as making words sound french by putting a le or la in front of them. It is very cute.

Another piece of success-have managed to persuade sam to dress up for the halloween party we are going to. He has agreed to dress in miliary camaflage as it is not really like dressing up. He is even considering letting me put green/black greasepaint on his face like real soliders have. Matt can't decide between being a pirate and indiana jones but I have decided to go as a fairy godmother. Unbelieveably I still (sort of )fit my lovely pink worth advisor's dress (last worn 1986)and with the addition of some wings, a magic wand and a few seams let out it will be a perfect fairy godmother's outfit. It should be a fun party-will be sure and post a few pics.


Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

Glad you and Sam had a good trip! What an amazing playdate! My Gran lived in walking distance of the Phoenix Park. We have been talking about holidays for next year--we have a whopping 8 weeks to fill in! Dublin is on the list-I haven't been for 10 years-and would really like to show the kids.

I hope the lessons go well-sking isn't my cup of tea! I'm too terrified.

sam said...

would definately recommend dublin-it is very child friendly and the zoo is fab!