Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sam's latest Craze..

is top gear. Ever since we discovered BBCiplayer and I showed him a clip of top gear he has been hooked. It is a sad day in our house if there is not a new episode to watch!! M and I enjoy watching it too and I think sam's fav bits are the cars as most of the humor goes over his head. Thank goodness we don't have a tv because there is a new channel called Dave that seems to show top gear almost non stop! Poor V knows all the words to every episode now as her dh and ds watch it all weekend!!

We have been very busy since my last post-visiting friends, home ed group, playing warhammer and delivering phone books. Formal school work has happened this week but there has also been lots of practical work-counting, writing and organising. Sam has been a huge help to V and I in delivering 549 phonebooks. He has been in charge of making sure we had enough books for each street and marking them off as they were delivered. He was such a big help and very patient! The nice sunny weather helped to make the job easier, not sure it would have been as much fun in the pouring rain!!

The theme for home ed group this week was china an chinese new year and I think everyone had fun. Between the three of us, V, C and I there were tons of activities for the children to and everyone had lots to take away with them at the end of the session. The biggest hits were the homemade kites, dragon headresses and the great wall made of sugar cubes. Children love making things from sugar cubes and suprisingly eat very few of the cubes while constructing!! I think that if we could fit them into every session the children wouldn't mind. The moms might thought as the mortar that holds them together (icing sugar and egg whites) is a pain to clean off the tables. The theme of the next session is toys and games and I am pretty sure that I won't be able to work them into that.

We are on a paris countdown here and are all very excited. We have drawn up a short list of places that we want to visit so that we don't miss anything out on our flying visit. I keep hoping that being the the glamorous setting of paris will help me to forget what a big birthday I have coming up. I can't possibly be as old as it says on my passport, I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Tammy, that was good entertainment, can't imagine doing that with my motorhome. Might be fun though.

Jules said...
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Jules said...

Hey, if your big birthday is similar to the big birthday I recently had - I must say you are looking very good on it.
Reality doesn't kick in very often, its only when I fill in forms I remember than i'm that old - otherwise my brain convinces me that I'm still 27,

sam said...

thank you! I never would have known that you had the same big birthday-you look far too young!!