Saturday, February 02, 2008

Happy Feburary!

Last week was a busy week here and it is hard to believe that is feb already. The week started off with our first syston home ed group of the year. Our theme was Winter and it was a very busy session. We had 19 families and about 35 children! Needless to say it was a very loud session, especially as a majority of the children were boys of between 4-8. One of the activities was to make a rain gauge out of 2L soda bottles, most of the boys however thought it was much more fun to use them as swords and light sabres. Despite all the sword play there was lots of concentrating and lots of learning going on and I think everyone had fun.

The rest of the week passed in a blurr-two trips into the city centre, one to do mystery jobs and the other so that sam could play warhammer. Despite not being an official game day he managed to find someone to play and beat them. I am not sure it was really a fair match though as the other boy was outnumbered two to one. In the end he conceded the match as sam had killed most of his army.

Sam and M had their first science lesson-M is teaching him all about the periodic table and the various elements. They used marbles to represent the protons, electrons and ions. Sam really enjoyed it had came away saying what great teacher daddy was and how much fun he made the lesson. They had their second lesson today and I think just as much fun was had. Today they looked at states of matter and hydrogen atoms I think.

This week promises to be even busier than last with visits to friends, birthday parties and lots of bits and pieces going on. I don't mind though as very soon the three of us will be drinking champagne as the eurostar whisks us to paris (okay sam won't be drinking champagne-he will have to settle for sparkling apple juice). I am being thoroughly spoilt this year as we are going to paris for two nights to celebrate my very big birthday. Maybe it won't seem so bad that way. I certainly don't feel old enough to be the number that I am about to be.


Anonymous said...

Should I post the "number" that you will be on your Birthday???

sam said...

No thank-you!!

Anonymous said...

Go PROUD! Shout it out LOUD! (and I won't remind you that I'll ALWAYS be 6 mos younger than you...OOPS! I guess I just did!)Enjoy your BIG day, you're only getting BETTER!

sam said...

Well-being 6 months older does have its advantages-I'll get the senior discount at IHOP before you do!!

Anonymous said...

Will you take me to IHOP for stuffed french toast? Will you? If you show them your AARP card we just might eat for free!

Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

Happy Birthday to be! It's not as terrible as it seems, though I fretted the whole year before and was in shock the whole year after! Though I think Paris should sooth the shock of the number!

sam said...

Thank you! I hope it does-I certainly plan to numb the pain with champagne and retail therapy!