Monday, December 24, 2007

The stockings are hung..

well almost! The boy and the dogs have hung their stockings but we grown ups are lagging a bit behind. Apart from picking up the goose and a couple of things that I couldn't find at tesco yesterday we are done. The boys very kindly accompanied me shopping yesterday, we took a divide and conquer attitude-I split the list into 4 and we each took two parts. M and sam did a fantastic job with their half and we got everything done in record time. The store was almost empty when we arrived but by the time we left it was heaving. Today we plan to spend cooking and relaxing and with any luck we will get to our annual xmas movie. We are all keen to see Golden Compass provided daddy isn't kept too late at work. He is supposed to work late but we are hoping that the list will be short and quiet and he can sneak away.

In case I don't get time to blog later hope you all have a wonderful christmas and that santa is good to you all!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your new blog site. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.