Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Early risers

How did I end up with a family that likes to get up at the crack of dawn? The boy and the dog both have internal clock that are set to go off way too early. I have decied not to fight it any more, maybe they will both get so tired by the end of a week of early mornings that they will sleep in at the weekend. A pipe dream I know but a girl can hope. At least being up this early gives me time to potter on the computer an start the day without rushing.

Back to work yesterday without too much fuss. We have a few visits this week so won't be getting back into it properly. Our focus for the week will be working on our iditarod folder. The teacher on the trail has done lots of cool activity sheets, so we will tackle a few of those.

We had unexpected visitors yesterday. Sam's friend P and his family stopped by on their way back from the space centre. It was wonderful to see them and it gave sam and I the excuse to make a cake in their honor. Sam and P rough housed like crazy and sam slept like a log last night. Maybe more rough housing is needed just before bed! You would have thought that walking a couple of miles a day with the dog would tire him out but I guess not.

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