Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I think I am going to stop listening to the news..

The first theng I do in the morning is to fire up the laptop (okay I do get out of bed first-most mornings anyway!) and put on the morning news on BBC Radio 5. It seems like each morning it gets more and more depressing with ever more worrying financial and political news. I have found that I am starting the day more worried and stressed than ever and I have decided to find a more cheerful way to start the day-if only radio margaritaville were playing at that hour of the morning. I do like to keep up with the news but there never seems to be anything good to report tenhese days, life is challenging enough with out being constantly worried about the big picture. Any suggestions for a cheerful radio station without a lot of news?

The boys throughly enjoyed themselves at the warhammer day the the NEC on Sunday. Sam managed to purchase everything on his list and he and matt have even got most of it assembled and back sprayed ready for painting. I had lots of fun out shopping with the girls, though it was very strange not having a little boy in tow. Didn't do much actual purchasing, but lots of gossiping and window shopping. We even treated ourselves to lunch at Wagamamas-it is so nice to have one on our doorstep.

This week has been quiet as we are carless. My car failed its mot last week and am unable to drive it until the problem is fixed as the mot expired just after it was tested. The parts are in now and it is going to the garage tomorrow so hopefully we will have it back by thursday. Sam has really been enjoying this website: scratch.mit.edu, it is a site to help children learn how programming works and it allows them to create their own cartoons, games etc. Sam has made several cartoons and we are now trying to figure out how to make a game. Watch this space-if he manages to will post a link.


Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

There's probably an on-line margaritaville radio station you could listen to. I'm with you on the news-far too depressing.

Hope the car is fixed soon.

HelenHaricot said...

with you on the news. i have decided that since i can't change things, and we aren't profligate with money, we should just head down and hope. glad mortgage still has 18 months [only!] to run b4 end of fix

Anonymous said...

I have to make lala noises any time that Tim starts talking about it all :(

sam said...

why don't we start a campaign on the blog ring to start every blog post with a piece of good news?!