Friday, May 09, 2008

Indiana Bones

Indiana Bones
Originally uploaded by mattamsam
We have decided to rename Rogue, Indiana Bones as he has spent the last two days excavating and burying the bone that nana and grandad gave him at the weekend. The new flower bed and veggie patch have been well explored for places to put the precious bone. It is now a disgusting black color-I just hope he doesn't manage to sneak it into the house and bury it in our bed-his usual bone burying spot.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Rogue should work on his very own movie franchise starting with "Indiana Bones and the Temple of Compost".

sam said...

will zelda be his leading lady??

Anonymous said...

Zeldy's a big chicken so who knows how much use she'd be on an Indiana Bones adventure. Plus, how would Miko feel about her boy Rogue going off with another lady? Might cause some friction on the homefront.