Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Thank You..

For all the birthday wishes and cards. I have had a nice day and received lots of very lovely pressies. Can't believe that I am only 1 year away from 40-that sounds a lot older than I feel ( most of the time anyway!) Do I have to start acting like a grown up now I am almost that old?? I hope not because I am may not be able to.
Treated sam and I to cake and hot chocolate at starbucks and then M made dinner. We had pancakes, savory and sweet and sam has set the family record at 6 pancakes. He was so stuffed he could hardly move.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you had a great Birthday, wish I could have been there. No you do not have to start acting like a grown up, I haven't why should you!!!!! Finished up with the Dentist today. You would like the results.

Merry said...